Ultimate Guide to Web Hosting for Beginners

IT support specialist working with hosting server

It is very necessary for a business or an individual to keep its online presence, in this global digital world. You need a reliable web hosting service in order to start a blog, an e-commerce store or a personal portfolio website. For a person who is a newbie in online world it is very necessary to know about the best web hosting providers, as there are numerous options available. In this guide, we will cover web hosting from every aspect, from kinds of hosting to essential features and guidelines for choosing the right hosting provider.

Understanding Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting?

Host is a place where one can save website files and data and it connects all of this data and files with the internet. These host servers are maintained by run by web hosting provider companies. These hosting provider companies make sure that the website is accessible for the users from all over the world. When a person creates a website, he/she needs a place to store its files i.e HTML documents, images, videos, scripts, etc. These webhosting companies provide space on their servers to store these files, and they made these files accessible for the users.

How Does Web Hosting Work?

When a user requests its browser to view a specific website, the webhosting server delivers the data of your website stored on it, to the concerned browsers. When someone writes the website domain name into their browser, that browser then sends a request to the server where your website data is stored. The web server then sends the necessary files to that browser in order to show it to the visitor. This process takes very short time, and this time period depends upon the quality of the web hosting service provided by different service providers. If the website is hosted on a very reliable and fast hosting server then this process happens in a matter of seconds. In this process different technologies are used such as web servers, DNS and internet protocols.

Why Do You Need Web Hosting?

When you create a website, it’s all files i.e. HTML documents, videos, images, content remains in your computer and accessible by you but not by the public. In order to make it accessible for the users worldwide you have to get services of a web hosting provider. When you get services of a hosting provider your website become accessible by the visitors from all over the world and it remains available for the visitors whenever they want to access it.

Understanding Different Types of Web Hosting:

Shared Hosting:

When multiple websites share resources on a single server it is called shared hosting. Shared hosting is suitable for beginners and for small websites with low traffic volume as it becomes economical when more user shares a single server. But in shared hosting, performance of the hosting may be effected some time if any one website experience a sudden rise in traffic.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting:

Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a very suitable and better option for the websites that requires more flexibility and resources for its operations. As each VPS operates independently so it allows its users to customize server settings and install the required software. It also a shared hosting but it provides more control and scalability as it provides resources within a virtualized environment.

Cloud Hosting:

In cloud hosting multiple servers working together provides resources on demand. In cloud hosting resources can be dynamically allocated based on volume of traffic. It also provides more scalability and reliability. If a website have fluctuating traffic then cloud hosting is better for that website.

Dedicated Server Hosting:

In dedicated Server Hosting, one can rent an entire physical server exclusively for his/her website. Dedicated Server Hosting provides maximum security, performance and control. So if someone has a large website and huge volume of traffic then Dedicated Server Hosting is a best option.

WordPress Hosting:

If you are using WordPress as website developer and you want specialized features, high performance, and auto updates, then you should use WordPress Hosting, as it is specially optimized for wordpress websites.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

Reliability and Uptime Guarantee:

While choosing a web hosting provider keep in mind the proven track record of reliability and high uptime guarantee (should be 99.9% or higher). If you have a reliable host then you website remains accessible to the visitors all the time and it minimizes downtime and loss of revenue or traffic.

Bandwidth and Storage:

Before choosing web hosting keep in mind website expected traffic volume, file sizes and future growth. And choose the web hosting according to the required bandwidth and storage so that it can accommodate your traffic without overage charges and provide ample storage space for the website HTML files, content files and media files.


While choosing a hosting services do consider its scalability. If a hosting allows you to easily upgrade or downgrade your hosting plans as your website experience changes in the traffic volume then you can choose this hosting service. The scalability ensures that the website can adjust increase traffic, resource demands or any other features without any interruption or performance concerns.

Security Features:

Its is very important to consider security features before selecting a hosting service. You should consider all the measures that a hosting service provides to protect your website and data. In order to secure your website a good hosting provider can provide following security features for your website.
(i) SSL/TLS encryption.
(ii) DDoS protection
(iii) Firewalls
(iv) Malware scanning
(v) Regular Security Updates

Customer Support:

While running a website you often needs to get support from your hosting provider to discuss various issues that you can face, so you need a hosting provider with good customer support. While choosing a hosting provider choose a hosting provider that offers 24/7 support via different channels i.e. live chat, phone or email.

Pricing and Payment Plans:

Before selecting a hosting provider, compare price and payment plans. Not only look for initial prices but also consider the renewal rates, promotional discounts, billing cycles and any other additional fee. Go for hosting plans that best suits your budget and long term needs and offers transparent and flexible payment options.

Data center with endless servers. Network and information servers behind glass panels

Data center with endless servers. Network and information servers behind glass panels

Essential Features to Look for in a Web Hosting Plan

Control Panel:

The control panel should be user friendly. If the hosting has a user friendly control panel it facilitates the website management, allowing you to manage files, install plugins, configure setting and monitor performance easily.

Website Builder Tools:

There are so many software that allows you to create and design your website without requiring coding skills such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Choose a hosting plan that includes these website builder tools. If you are a beginner or you have a low budget this options suits you well as you can design and create your website without hiring a gay with coding skills.

Domain Name Registration:

There are many hosting providers that offer domain registration services. These hosting providers let you to register and manage your website’s domain name directly through the hosting account for easy and efficient management.

Email Hosting:

Before choosing a hosting plan make sure that hosting plan enables you to create and manage professional email addresses related to your domain (e.g. info@yourdomain.com).

SSL Certificate:

SSL/TLS encryption enhances security and credibility as they secure the data transmitted between your website and visitor’s browser. Go for a hosting plan that includes a free or affordable SSL certificate to encode sensitive information and shows the padlock icon (HTTPS) in the browser address bar.

Backup and Restore Options:

Regular backups are necessary in order to protect your website and content against loss or corruption. While choosing a hosting plan, consider a hosting plan that offers regular automated weekly, biweekly or monthly backup, manual backup option and easy restoration procedure in order to recover website in cash of any emergency or crash.

Database Support:

If you want to build a website that required database functionality i.e. MySQL and PostgreSQL etc, ensure that the hosting plan supports the required data base functionality and provides sufficient resources for database storage, operations and queries.

Steps to Set Up Your Website with a Web Hosting Provider

Registering a Domain Name:

First select a domain name that reflects your niche, your brand, easy to remember and aligns with your website content. Then try to find this name on a domain registration service. If your desired name is available, proceed to register it through your hosting provider or a domain registrar.

Choosing a Hosting Plan:

Choose a hosting plan keeping in mind the website’s requirements, budget and technical preferences. Also review the terms of service, refund policy and any other features included in the hosting plan. Consider all the factors discussed above in this article “Ultimate Guide to Web Hosting for Beginners” before selecting a suitable hosting plan.

Configuring DNS Settings:

Domain Name System (DNS) configuration is necessary as it directs the traffic from your domain name to your host server. In order to configure DNS settings, you have to access your domain registrar control panel or DNS management interface. This DNS configure setting takes some time to promulgate across the internet.

Create Your Website and go Online:

If you already have created the website then go to the C-Panel of your domain and upload the website files. If you have not created the website yet, you can create it by yourself or you can hire a developer. In this case enter the C-Panel of your domain and you can create the pages, you can design them, you can upload the media files and other HTML files there. Until your website is not complete you can on under construction mode. Once your website is fully completed and is ready for the visitors, you can go live by turning off the under construction mode. While creating your website make sure it is optimized for all the devices such as desktop, laptop, tab and especially for mobile, as most of the users come from mobile device.

Three Other Essential Steps After Creating Website:

(i) Test your website:

After making your website, test it thoroughly if every link, button, or contact form is working properly. Because a good visitor experience is necessary to grow your website.

(ii) Protect your website:

Protect your website against cyber threads and hackings. Install necessary security plugins to secure your website. There are many free and paid security plugins, you can go for them according to your demands and budget.

(iii) Grow your website:

There is a lot of competition in every business so in order to get traffic on your website you should adopt various methods to grow your website. You can use different methods such as Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, and Content Marketing etc.


In the last we can say, choosing a hosting service is somehow a hectic process for the beginners. But in this article we have given all the guidelines that a beginner should keep in mind while selecting a hosting server. From selecting a hosting service, choosing domain name, setting up the DNS to going live, this article guides you every step. If you follow these steps with dedication and perseverance you can grow your website and get worldwide audience.

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